Journey of 11ty

Well, this is a bit self indulgent.

I want to document publicly my journey of learning 11ty, transition away from my current wordpress blog and then get back on the horse again on blogging. So here it goes.

Day 1 - 2020 Oct 5 Monday

Discovered 11ty and then subsequently piccalilli. Emailed Andy Bell.

Day 7 - 2020 Oct 11 Sunday

Finished the first 5 free lessons and then bought the whole course.

Day 12 - 2020 Oct 16 Friday

Planned out how to maintain a steady pace every week of going through the course and then subsequently migrate wordpress blog to 11ty blog. Estimated to finish all 31 lessons by end Jan 2021 and migrate the 2 most popular posts in wordpress to 11ty blog by end Feb 2021

Day 13 - 2020 Oct 17 Saturday

Finished another 8 lessons to reach a total of 13 lessons. Joined the piccalilli community. And write this self indulgent journey post partly as a way of being accountable.

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Day 19 - 2020-10-23 Friday

Finished another 4 lessons to reach a total of 19 lessons. Estimate to finish all 31 lessons by end 2020 instead. Lesson 17 is the last lesson that wraps up the HTML only build of the website

Next target is another 4 lessons to finish the asset pipeline by 29 Oct

Day 26 - 2020-10-30 Friday

Finished another 4 lessons to reach a total of 21 lessons. Estimate to finish all 31 lessons improves from estimated end Dec to mid Dec 2020 . Lesson 21 is the last lesson that wraps up the gulp asset pipeline portion. Next week the aim is to finish another 3 lessons

Day 34 - 2020-11-07 Saturday

Finished another 4 lessons to reach a total of 25 lessons. Estimate to finish improves from mid Dec to early Dec or end Nov. Next week, the aim is to finish another 3 lessons. I discover CUBE via lesson 22 and spent quite a bit of time in that rabbit hole this week.

Day 40 - 2020-11-13 Friday

Finished another 3 lessons to reach a total of 28. Left with last 3 lessons and suddenly I feel confident of finishing soon because I can see the end. Weird. I was the least encouraged somewhere between lesson 18 and lesson 22 where I encounter CUBE. Guess it’s kinda like running a marathon.

I should finish these last 3 lessons by Day 49. So from discovering this course, until I complete the whole course once through. It takes about 50 days.

Day 50 - 2020-11-23 Monday

All done. Finally!